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  • Wednesday, November 04, 2020

    Jr. Shooting Sports Season Starts Nov. 20

    League and Championship Matches to Take Place at Local Posts

    With the COVID-19 pandemic having lingering impact, the New York State American Legion Junior Shooting competition will take place entirely at local American Legion Posts, Jr. Shooting Chair Lawrence Behling announced.

    “All matches will be fired at your American Legion Post this year for the NYS American Legion League, including the NYS Championship, due to the virus,” Behling noted in a letter to team coaches.

    The season begins Nov. 20. Registration forms and team rosters should be submitted via email by Nov. 7 (or as soon as possible).

    Teams still on standdown need to register and submit their information, he said, so that score keepers can track them as soon as they can start their matches.

    There are only five matches this year against other teams. All individual shooters must fire all five matches to be able to shoot in the NYS League Championship.

    “We understand that the nature of the virus has changed many things that we do, and can still change things that we are doing in the NYS League this year,” Behling said. “So this will affect the amount of time you have to work with your teams. We had a two-week reporting period for scores for matches, but we are changing this to a three-week reporting period with the exception of a virus-related forced shutdown for 14 days. If there is a virus shutdown, you must report to the score keeper so he can reset your match times for your team.”

    He noted: “The NYS League Championship will be fired at your own range this year, with match targets being mailed to you for the championship. Targets must have a witness this year.”


  • Thursday, October 29, 2020

    SU’s Veterans Institute to receive American Legion’s Patriot Award

    SU institute for veteransBy The American Legion

    On Nov. 17 via a virtual streaming ceremony, The American Legion will present its Patriot Award to Dr. Mike Haynie and Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families. To view the ceremony at 10 a.m. ET Nov. 17, click here.

    The Patriot Award is given by The American Legion to recognize great deeds and exemplary acts of service; previous recipients include former Indiana Gov. and Purdue University President Mitch Daniels, former Secretary of Defense Dr. Robert M. Gates, Vietnam War U.S. Army combat nurse Diane Carlson Evans and South Korean multinational electronics leader Samsung.

    Following the presentation of the award, American Legion Past National Commander Fang Wong and Dr. Haynie, IVMF’s founder and Syracuse University’s Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives & Innovation, are scheduled to discuss topics including higher education for veterans, training for transitioning veterans and the challenges associated with being newly disenfranchised from service. To submit a question in advance for the discussion, click here.

  • Legion posts affected by COVID can apply for $1,000 grant

    Legion Family delivers food to first responders

    Legion Family members in Cortland County deliver food to first responders.

    The American Legion

    Public health mandates in response to the coronavirus included stay-at-home orders and business closures. Those mandates financially impacted American Legion posts nationwide as member and community outreach efforts were limited, resulting in a loss of revenue.

    To provide some relief during these challenging times, financial grants are now available for eligible American Legion posts.

    Resolution No. 36, Mission Blue Post Assistance Program, will provide $1,000 grants to posts that are in good standing with their respective department. These funds must be used exclusively to pay current or past due rent, mortgage, utilities and insurance.

    The American Legion National Executive Committee approved Resolution No. 36 Oct. 14, during its annual Fall Meetings. Funds for the approved grants will be provided through The American Legion National Emergency Fund (NEF). Application is available here.

    read more »

  • Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    New Temporary Financial Assistance Application

    The American Legion’s Committee on Children and Youth has announced a new Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) application to help children in need.

    Read this Children and Youth eBulletin for details.

    Here is the new TFA Application.

  • Read the Autumn Issue of ‘Legion New York ‘

    The latest issue of Legion New York magazine is now available online.

    In addition to features and news, this autumn 2020 issue features the “can do” attitude of the Legion Family across the state in the face of the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Cover of autumn 2020 issue of Legion New YorkThe highlights:

    • How a post’s Boys State choice helps an army medical unit.

    • A post commander’s farmer’s market for veterans.

    • Some of the state law-and-order awards are presented despite the pandemic.

    • “Cowboy” Morris is the new state director of the Legion Riders.

    • Oneonta Riders stages Legacy Run, promotes safety.

    • Altamont Riders open new door during pandemic.

    • Oratorical champ shares words of gratitude.

    • A number of posts organize birthday drive-bys for older vets.

    • Med student benefits from “life-changing” Legacy scholarship.

    • The last WWII vet of the Seneca Nation’s Allegany Territory receives honors.

    • 4,000 masks for Rensselaer County first responders.

    • Bronx Post helps neighborhood cleanup.

    • Canada legionnaires observe anniversary of Korean Armistice.

    • Sag Harbor legionnaire honored.

    • “9/11 memories” by the Department Adjutant.

  • Monday, October 05, 2020

    Get the Training Newsletter

    1Cover Sept Oct Training Newsletter

    The latest issue of The Legion’s Training Newsletter features tips and resources for post leaders and other legionnaires, especially those involved in recruiting and retention.

    Among the topics:

    • Engagement efforts must adapt and overcome

    • Powerpoints and audio presentations from the national virtual membership workshop.

    • Introducing Training Tuesdays

    • National American Legion College postponed

    •Taking the online basic training

    Click to download the Sept-Oct Issue of the Training Newsletter.