The Americanlegion

the world's largest veterans organization

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Boys’ State

A most rewarding experience

Boys State assembly

Boys State general assembly.

American Legion Boys’ State is a week-long program that immerses high school youth (currently completing their junior year) in citizenship and leadership training. They learn the practical aspects of government as it exists in New York State, and come to recognize that the individual is integral to the character and success of government. They also participate in physical fitness, team work and other activities under the guidance of American Legion counselors and U.S. Marines.

Boys’ State takes place at Morrisville State College usually the last week in June. 

If you or a youth you know would like to apply, contact your local American Legion Post to inquire about sponsoring you to Boys State. Once a Post agrees to sponsor you, you will receive a notification to go ahead and submit the online application to this year’s Boys State program.

Check out this orientation video, which gives an overview of what to expect at Boys State.


Look over the information packet (below). Once the online application is completed, print out a copy and then hit the “submit” button.

Download the Commitment/Certification Statement (doc and PDF versions available).

Boys State graduation day

Passing in review on graduation day.

The Commitment statement must be signed by applicant and parent or guardian, and notarized. The Certification form has to be completed and certified by a school official.  You will need to deliver a copy of the completed application, the Commitment Form and Certification Form, with original signatures, to the sponsoring American Legion Post.

It is recommended you read the Boys’ State Handbook.

If applying for the SAMSUNG SCHOLARSHIP, the application may be filled out online at

Complete the online Boys’ State application (see link below):

  • Do not complete application until you have been approved by your local American Legion Post.
  • All citizen information must be provided.
  • All parent information must be provided.
  • All sponsoring American Legion Post information must be provided.
  • Once the application is completely filled out, press Ctrl P to print a copy, then press the Submit button to send the application to The American Legion Department of New York.
  • After submitting application, if you find a mistake was made on the application, do not submit another application Make corrections on the printed application and the information will be updated when received at American Legion Headquarters.

 Online application (2025)
(Note: D.O.B. must include 4-digit year; e.g. 1998.)
[Application will no longer be available after close-of-business on April 12.]