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  • Sunday, June 16, 2019

    Monroe County Honors Legion at Red Wings Baseball Game

    American Legion Day at Rochester Red Wings game.

    American Legion Day at Rochester Red Wings game.

    ROCHESTER – Monroe County celebrated American Legion Day at the Rochester Red Wings AAA baseball game on Sunday, June 16.

    Monroe County American Legion Vice Commander Charles Clark receives proclamation from Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo at the Rochester Red Wings basebll game

    Monroe County American Legion Vice Commander Charles Clark receives proclamation from Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo at the Rochester Red Wings baseball game

    County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo presented a proclamation to County Vice Commander Charles Clark prior to the start of the game.

    “Happy 100th Anniversary to The American Legion…,” Dinolfo declared in a follow-up Facebook post. “It was great to see everyone at the Rochester Red Wings AAA baseball game today. Alongside County (Vice) Commander and Irondequoit’s own Charlie Clark, we proclaimed today to be American Legion Day in Monroe County to recognize the incredible service that Legionnaires provide to their fellow service members, veterans, and our entire community. We are fortunate to have you!”

  • Friday, June 14, 2019

    NY Legion Leaders Demonstrate Flag Etiquette on ‘Fox & Friends First’

    Department Commander Gary Schacher and Department Legislative Chair Frank LaMarsh appeared on the early morning TV show, Fox & Friends First, today.

    They helped to celebrate Flag Day by showing proper flag etiquette — demonstrating the proper folding of Old Glory.

    Legion Leaders on Fox 2019 06 14 copy

  • Thursday, June 13, 2019

    Wake Up to Legion Leaders Talking Flag Etiquette on ‘Fox & Friends First’

    Gary Schacher and Frank LaMarsh 0176 o

    Commander Gary Schacher and Legislative Chair Frank LaMarsh

    Department of New York leaders are commemorating Flag Day with an appearance on the early morning TV show, Fox & Friends First.

    Department Commander Gary Schacher and Legislative Chair Frank LaMarsh will discuss flag etiquette on the live TV show. They are scheduled to appear on set at 4:40 a.m. Friday, June 14.

    A clip of their appearance may run again on the show, or later on Fox & Friends.

    Fox & Friends First airs on Fox News Channel every weekday from 4 to 6 a.m. ET.  Fox & Friends airs from 6 to 10 a.m.

  • Tuesday, June 04, 2019

    Enjoy a Ball Game (or 2) with Your American Legion Family!

    Exclusive prices and seating

    As part of The American Legion’s year-long Centennial celebration, the Department of New York is hosting American Legion Day on Friday, July 5 at Citi Field with the Mets and catching a game with the Yankees on Sunday, July 14 at Yankee Stadium.

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  • Wednesday, May 29, 2019

    Commander Schacher Lays Wreath at Gettysburg

    Department Commander Gary Schacher traveled to Gettysburg, PA for Memorial Day services, along with a few members of the Legion and American Legion Auxiliary.

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  • Thursday, May 23, 2019

    Convention Updates: Horse Therapy Demo at Dept Convention; Nat’l Housing Form Posted

    The registration/housing form for the National Convention in Indianapolis is now available.

    A horse therapy demonstration will take place during the Department Convention in Buffalo on Friday, July 19, at Buffalo Downtown Canalside (waterfront area near Naval Park), reports Convention Chairman Jim Bojanowski.

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