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the world's largest veterans organization

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  • Monday, January 11, 2021

    Boys State Goes Virtual This Summer

    New York American Legion Boys’ State takes place virtually this year – from June 27 to July 2, 2021.

    The week-long program immerses high school youth (currently completing their junior year) in citizenship and leadership development. They learn the practical aspects of government as it exists in New York State, and come to recognize that the individual is integral to the character and success of government.

    If you or a youth you know would like to apply, contact your local American Legion Post to inquire about sponsoring you to Boys State. Once a Post agrees to sponsor you, you will receive a notification to go ahead and submit the online application to this year’s Boys State program.

    More information and the application.

  • Wednesday, December 23, 2020

    Our Legion Family – It’s Like Christmas All Year Long

    Merry Christmas - Christmas Ornaments
    Dear American Legion Family,

    Mike McDermott

    Commander McDermott

    We pray that you are blessed this holiday season, especially as we enter the new year.

    Instead of being a year to fondly remember, 2020 has been one of unprecedented personal and family challenge because of the pandemic. Some might say it’s a year to forget.

    But I reflect on 2020 with some pride and inspiration because of all the good works that you  continue to do across New York State.

    Deeds like…

    • providing food, personal protective equipment and encouragement to first responders;

    • feeding and/or honoring older veterans;

    • helping to sponsor food pantries;

    • finding creative ways to conduct fundraisers for good causes;

    …all while wearing masks and social-distancing.

    So many of you in the Legion Family have turned adversity into opportunity. Your smiles may be hidden behind masks, but not your warmth and joy. It’s as if you have learned to live the Christmas spirit all year long.

    We pray that God blesses you and keeps you safe and healthy in 2021

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    — Michael McDermott, Commander, Department of New York.

  • Wednesday, December 09, 2020

    Boys State Governor Writes Artificial Intelligence Legislation Passed by Congress

    2018-2019 Commander Gary Schacher and Nathan Wang

    2018-2019 Department of New York Commander Gary Schacher congratulates Nathan Wang on being elected Boys State governor.

    One might say Shuang Heng “Nathan” Wang has a passion for artificial intelligence (AI).

    It was the centerpiece of his campaign platform at the 2019 session of New York’s Boys State at SUNY Morrisville. It fueled his election as Boys State governor and propelled him to Boys Nation in Washington, D.C. While there he got to visit the office of Congressman Paul Tanko, D-Amsterdam, and he couldn’t resist handing over his proposed AI education legislation.

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  • Wednesday, December 02, 2020

    Mid-Winter Conference Cancelled

    The Department of New York had a “Plan B” for January’s Mid-Winter Conference in case the pandemic lingered. It would have been a mini-conference, with key officers and chairmen attending in person and others participating virtually.

    Jim Casey

    Adjutant James Casey

    But with the recent surges in COVID-19 cases across the state, especially in Albany County, the Department has decided to cancel the Mid-Winter Conference altogether.

    “Commander (Michael) McDermott and I spoke at length … and our main concern was the health and safety of our members,” Department Adjutant James Casey said.

    “We could not bring Legionnaires from across the state together and risk their lives.”

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  • Tuesday, December 01, 2020

    Scholarship in Memory of PNC Richard Pedro

    The Department of New York is offering a $1,000 scholarship in memory of Past National Commander Richard M. Pedro, who was also a past department commander and long-time department adjutant.

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  • Tuesday, November 10, 2020

    Willingness to Go in Harm’s Way Sets Veterans Apart

    Veterans carry huge flag

    Veterans proudly carry a huge American flag during a previous Veterans Day parade in New York City.

    McDermott MikeBy Commander Michael McDermott,
    Department of New York

    We honor our fallen on Memorial Day.

    Veterans Day, however, is for ALL who served.

    I was privileged to know a World War II vet who received two Bronze Stars and three Purple Hearts after landing in Normandy and then fighting in the Battle of the Bulge. I also was privileged to know a Vietnam-era vet who served in the Army Reserve but never saw combat.

    There is no such thing as insignificant military service.

    It is why The American Legion only requires a single day of honorable military service to join our ranks. We understand that it isn’t just the sacrifice and service that are important, but the WILLINGNESS to defend our freedoms, the WILLINGNESS to offer one’s life in defense of this nation that sets veterans apart.

    So please show your appreciation for veterans. Tell veterans that you love them and that you are grateful for their service.

    Veterans Day is an important but symbolic way of saying thanks.

    I invite you to join The American Legion is showing appreciation EVERY DAY.