Latest News
Tuesday, March 08, 2016
Riders to meet-and-greet, raise Legacy funds June 26 in Wellsville
The second Annual New York State Legacy Meet and Greet for the 7th and 8th Districts takes place noon to 4 p.m. June 26 at Morrison Hayes Post 702, 35 Jefferson St., Wellsville, NY.
Melissa Woodford Is State Oratorical Champ
ALBANY — Melissa Woodford, a home-schooled senior from New City, NY, is The American Legion’s New York State oratorical champion for 2016, Oratorical Chairman Anthony Paternostro announced.
Melissa competed against four other finalists from a cross section of the state in the 79th Annual American Legion Department of New York Oratorical Contest. She won a $6,000 scholarship and will represent New York in the National Oratorical Contest in Indianapolis, IN in April.
Monday, March 07, 2016
Legion, SAL donate Girl Scout cookies to Bath VA
The American Legion Department of New York purchased Girl Scout cookies to give to veterans at the Bath VA Medical Center in Steuben County.
The boxes of cookies were loaded into a car and delivered to the VA on March 5 by Sons of the American Legion (SAL) member David Lee and his wife, Birgit, and their Girl Scout daughter, Mikayla. David serves as finance officer for the SAL Detachment of New York.
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Alternative PTSD Therapy Is No. 1 Priority, Legion Tells Legislators
ALBANY — Declaring the health and welfare of veterans as “first and foremost,” New York State American Legion Legislative Chairman Harvey McCagg said the Legion’s number one legislative priority in the state is non-drug, alternative therapy for post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) – particularly, HyperBaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).
Speaking at the annual “Hill Day” legislative breakfast at the Empire State Plaza, McCagg told some 140 Legion Family members and legislators that the American Legion was asking the governor and state legislature to create and fund a TBI and PTSD Biological Repair Treatment and Recovery Law.