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Thursday, December 06, 2018
Commander Schacher meets with grandson of a Legion founder
Department of New York Commander Gary Schacher had a sit-down with Ted Roosevelt IV, grandson of Theodore Roosevelt III (known as Theodore Roosevelt Jr.), who is not only one of the founders of The American Legion, but is often referred to as its father. (See New Yorkers Play Significant Role in Legion’s Founding.)
The chat took place Dec. 3 at the New York Athletic Club Post 754 in New York City.
Commander Schacher had one word to describe the get-together – “phenomenal!”
He said he was impressed by the Roosevelt family’s patriotism and outstanding service to the country. Ted Roosevelt IV himself was a Vietnam War Navy SEAL before working for the State Department and eventually entering the world of business and banking. His dad, Theodore Roosevelt IV, commonly known as Theodore Roosevelt III, was a World War II Navy pilot. His grandfather, who was the son of President Teddy Roosevelt, died in France in July 1944. So, the father of the American Legion not only served in World War I, but returned to duty for World War II.
Commander Schacher first met Roosevelt at the national convention in Minneapolis this past August, where Roosevelt spoke at the commander’s luncheon, and then they ran into each other in the hallway and Schacher suggested doing an interview. They agreed to meet again back in New York.