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  • Thursday, November 11, 2021

    Veterans’ Day Reminds Us: Freedom Is Not Free

    Every year in November we gather to honor our military veterans. We honor their sacrifices, and the sacrifices their families had to make, too. We honor veterans from throughout the history of our country.
    Frank LaMarsh 2021And one phrase always comes to mind: Freedom is not free. In a way it haunts me… because it’s a concept that is easy to forget when we’re enjoying the freedoms we have come to expect and don’t even think about during times of peace, and in our hectic daily family and work lives.
    Our founding fathers knew the price it would take to establish a country with a Bill of Rights and Constitution that guaranteed our rights and freedoms. They knew that our founding documents, our guaranteed rights and freedoms, are what would make America exceptional. read more »

  • Tuesday, November 09, 2021

    Autumn Issue of Legion New York Magazine Is Available

    1Cover LegionNY Autumn 2021 200pxThe Autumn issue of Legion New York magazine highlights the Department Convention, puts a spotlight on the Department Color Guard with its half-century heritage, and covers Legion activities around the state.  

    View and download this and past issues here.

  • Saturday, November 06, 2021

    Mid-Winter Conference Is a Go

    A Message from the NY Department Adjutant

    Jim Casey

    James Casey

              Great news… The 2022 Mid-Winter Conference is a go! It takes place Jan. 21-23.
    The Department staff has been hard at work the last few weeks along with the Crowne Plaza Desmond Hotel, working out the logistics of the conference, and it is going to be just about a ‘NORMAL’ Mid-Winter.
    All the usual meetings and informational gatherings will be possible.

    read more »

  • Monday, October 25, 2021

    Erie County Legion Distributes Food to 1,100 Families

    Erie County American Legion contingent

    A contingent from the Erie County American Legion Family helped distribute food to approximately 1,100 veterans’ families on Sunday, October 10. 2021, Erie County Adjutant Jim Bojanowski reports. The Legion Family worked with the WNY Heroes organization, which obtained a federal grant to purchase the food.

  • Saturday, October 23, 2021

    Legislative Update

    The Legion’s New York Legislative Committee provides an update on issues and what the Legion urges NY State to act on. See the Oct. 11th update here.

  • Friday, September 10, 2021

    9/11 Anniversary Reminds Us of the Sacrifices We Make for Freedom

    Frank LaMarsh 2021

    Frank LaMarsh

    Each of us has a searing memory of Sept. 11, 2001, when hijacked planes crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the Pennsylvania countryside.

    One of mine was the sudden realization that I now understood what my parents’ generation felt when Pearl Harbor was attacked, propelling us into World War II. It weighed on the whole country, bringing Americans together in spirit – just as it did 80 years later as the nation watched in shock the disaster unfolding at the World Trade Center towers. It propelled us into a war on terror.

    I am so grateful to our American Legion Family across the Department of New York that is participating in remembrance ceremonies on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The Legion Family continues to support and express gratitude to our post-9/11 veterans and the men and women wearing our country’s uniforms.

    To all our veterans and their families — thank you for your sacrifice and service, which safeguards our freedoms.

    America is not just the land of the free and the home of the brave; it is the land of the free because of the brave.

    For God and Country
    Frank LaMarsh, Commander
    Department of New York

    60 Wall St  on 9 11

    Shot of ground zero from 60 Wall Street after the World Trade Center was hit. In Commander LaMarsh’s own words: “I was at 60 Wall St. about 3 blocks from ground zero. My team and I stayed in the office for the week to keep JPMorgan Chase’s Data Center functioning. I was in my office on the 9th Floor having my weekly staff meeting when the first plane hit.”