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the world's largest veterans organization

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  • Wednesday, April 13, 2022

    National Convention Housing Form Now Available

    The form used to make reservations for the National Convention is available here.

    The National Convention takes place Aug. 26 to Sept. 1, 2022 in Milwaukee, WI. The Department of New York delegation is staying at The Pfister Hotel.

  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022

    Spring Issue of Legion New York Magazine Available

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    Junior Shooting Sports featured in Legion New York Magazine.
    Photo by Mike Roy / The American Legion

    The spring issue of Legion New York features the Department of New York’s Junior Shooting Sports program.

    The magazine also reports on events and happenings across the state:

    • The department commander’s “Never Forget” message.
    • Legion Family College on track for the summer.
    • Posts taking action in response to the Ukraine crisis.
    • Legion Posts distributing food and hosting benefit faiirs for vets.
    • The 2022 oratorical champion and runners-up.
    • Another Legionnaire in Vets Hall of Fame.
    • Upcoming events: Suicide awareness ceremony and Ernie Pyle play.
    • TV profiles Jesse Clipper Post commander.
    • Legion is present for launch of ferry boat named after army hero.
    • Legionnaires honor WWII African-American hero.
    • Possts distribute Valentine’s cards and “Buddy Check’ goodie bags.

    Spring 2022

  • Monday, March 14, 2022

    Ian Chung Is 2022 State Oratorical Champ

    Oraatorical Finalists

    ORATORICAL FINALISTS (from left): Molly Levitt, Mary Kennedy, Thomas Yu, Department Commander Frank LaMarsh, Ian Chang (state champion), and London Beachy.

    ALBANY — Ian Chung, a sophomore at Vestal Senior High School in Vestal, is The American Legion New York State Oratorical Champion for 2022, Oratorical Chairman Anthony Paternostro announced.

    This year’s contest was conducted on March 5, 2022, at the Crown Plaza-Desmond Hotel, Albany.   

    “With some of the pandemic restrictions lifted this year, we had a very good attendance,” Paternostro said. “Those in attendance were witness to five magnificent orators.” read more »

  • Thursday, March 03, 2022

    New Member Recruiting Competition Announced

    Department Membership Chair Gene Ordmandy Jr. has announced a new membership incentive, featuring $1,000 and $500 prizes for posts recruiting the most new members by May 4, 2022.

    “This is a great membership incentive, and every post has a chance to benefit from this program.,” he said, noting that it was developed by Department Membership Coordinator Cassi Harden.

    “Please see the form (below) and get this out to every post in the Department.”

    2022 New Member Contest (Doc) 2022 New Member Contest (PDF)

    On a related note, he said that any members who have not renewed by now “are considered suspended.”

    “I highly recommend posts get a few members together with their expired membership list, and start making phone calls.

    “Good luck with the NEW membership Award…
    “Keep up the great work you are all doing!”

  • Monday, February 28, 2022

    Department Convention Housing Form Available

    The housing form is now available for the 104th Annual Department Convention, which takes place July 13-16, 2022 in Binghamton. All hotel reservations must be made via this form and provided to the Binghamton/Convention & Visitors Bureau.



  • Tuesday, February 22, 2022

    Legion Family College on Track for June 3-5

    Morrisville QuadAmerican Legion Family College of New York is on track to take place June 3 to 5, 2022. There are still slots open.

    The college is a three-day immersion into the Legion’s programs, structure, and issues facing the largest veterans’ organization in the country.

    As a Legion Family College, it is open to members of the Legion, the Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion, and American Legion Riders.

    Held at Morrisville State College (SUNY Morrisville), Legion College fosters leadership skills of Legion Family members as they work in teams to solve problems they may face in their home post, unit, squadron or chapter. The curriculum covers an array of topics, such as leadership and communication; Americanism, children and youth;; legislation; constitution and bylaws; duties of local officers; media relations; membership.

    See the Legion Family College page here.

    For the application, click here for the PDF version and here for the Word version.