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  • Tuesday, September 11, 2018

    Commander Schacher: New Yorkers and Americans Stood Resolute

    Commander Schacher, overlooking the new World Trade Center buildings and 9/11 Memorial.

    Commander Schacher, overlooking the new World Trade Center buildings and 9/11 Memorial.

    “New Yorkers and Americans stood resolute” when “terrorists sought to disrupt our way of life,” Department Commander Gary Schacher declared during a 9/11 Remembrance Service in New York City Tuesday.

    The event was hosted by Lt. B. R. Kimlau Chinese Memorial Post 1291.

    Commander Schacher was on an official visitation to New York County, where he got to see the World Trade Center and 9/11 Memorial as well as other sights and events. (See more photos.) Joining him were Department Auxiliary President Marie Mock, Sons of the American Legion Detachment Commander Jim Coates, and Legion Riders Director Bob Wallace.

    Here is the speech the commander gave: read more »

  • Monday, September 10, 2018

    Commander Schacher Presents $10,000 for Scholarships in Memory of Navy SEAL

    The American Legion Department of New York donated $10,000 to be used for scholarships in memory of Lt. Michael P. Murphy, a fallen Long Island Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor recipient.

    Department Commander Gary Schacher presented the donation Sunday, Sept. 9, to Lieutenant Murphy’s parents, Dan and Maureen, for the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation.

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  • Friday, September 07, 2018

    Legion Riders Director Is Desert Storm Vet

    Bob Wallace

    Bob Wallace

    Bob Wallace, the director of New York’s American Legion Riders, is a 12-year U.S. Army veteran who served in Operation Desert Storm during the Gulf War era. He is a 27-year member of the Francis M. Dalton American Legion Post 282 and a charter member of the American Legion Riders Chapter 282.

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  • Wednesday, September 05, 2018

    The graces to succeed

    [New York Legionnaire Robert Stronach penned this article about a Vietnam vet-turned priest. It appears on]

    Flying over the jungles of Vietnam in an Air Force rescue helicopter, Sgt. Ed McKenzie was struck by an inspiring vista.

    “It was a beautiful country if you could look beyond the misery of the war. It could have been a garden of Eden.”

    Today, McKenzie remembers the Vietnam War in another way – as a Franciscan priest offering daily Masses for busy downtown Chicagoans. When he consecrates the wine on the altar, his mind flashes back to his helicopter, messy with the blood of the wounded and dead. He is suddenly in the chopper, back from its rescue mission, and he is once again washing away the blood. But no cleansing removes the haunting memory.

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  • Sunday, September 02, 2018

    Golf Tournament Rained Out — Twice

    “The weather gods were not smiling on us this year for the Legion Family Gold Tournament,” reports Department Golf Chairman Auseklis Krumins.

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  • Wednesday, August 29, 2018

    NY Donates $66,435 to National Emergency Fund

    NY Leaders Donate to National Emergency Fund

    New York leaders presented $66,435 to National Commander Denise Rohan for the National Emergency Fund. From left: National Internal Affairs Chairman Bob Newman, Dept. Commander Gary Schacher, Immediate Past Dept. Commander Rena Nessler, Commander Rohan, and Dept. Adjutant Jim Casey. Photo by Doug Malin.

    MINNEAPOLIS — New York leaders returned to the 100th National Convention stage for a second time Wednesday to present $66,435 to National Commander Denise Rohan for the National Emergency Fund (NEF).

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