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  • Friday, March 13, 2020

    NY Legion Family Visits Capitol Hill in D.C.

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — A delegation of Legion Family members from New York, led by Department Commander Mike McDermott, participated in The American Legion’s Washington Conference March 8-11.

    Department Auxiliary President Linda Tome and Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Detachment Commander Dennis George were part of the delegation.

    Commander McDermott took time to place a wreath at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, then laid at wreath at the Korean War Monument with Detachment Commander George. The SAL commander also laid a wreath with the NY delegation at the World War II Monument in honor of his father.

    Delegation members made a point of bringing the Legion’s legislative priorities to their Congressional representatives in visits to their offices.

    On the last day of the conference, National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford presented a three-step mission to lawmakers during a joint session of the Senate and House Committees on Veterans’ Affairs.

    LEGION Family visits office of Rep Tom Reed

    A contingent of NY members visit the Washington office of Congressman Tom Reed (R, NY-23). Among them are Department President Linda Tome (4th from left), Past Department Commander Rena Nessler (next to Congressman Reed), and Past Detachment Commander James Coates (right).

    Robert Neville Lee Zeldin R NY 1 and Vada Kirsch 0211

    Legionnaire Robert Neville visits with Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), along with Vada Kirsch, a former Girl’s Stater and winner of the Samsung Scholarship.


  • Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Press Assn. Offers Communications Contest, Scholarships

    Members of the Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion may enter the annual communications contest sponsored by the New York American Legion Press Association (NYALPA).

    Cover of NYALPA Voice, Spring 2020 issueIn addition, students and veterans may apply for $1,000 NYALPA scholarships.

    The contest recognizes the work done by members in a number of categories, such as newsletters, editorials, websites, social media, scrapbooks, visual media.

    April 15 is the deadline for submitting entries in the communications contest. It is also the deadline for applying for scholarships.

    For details, check out the NYALPA webpage or the NYALPA Voice.

  • Monday, March 02, 2020

    Legion Family Homecoming Celebration Is May 15-16

    The American Legion Family Homecoming Celebration takes place May 15 and 16 at Vernon Downs Casino Hotel in honor of Department Commander Michael McDermott, Department President Linda Tome and Detachment Commander Dennis George.

    Friday features a “Night at the Races” with a buffet dinner.

    Saturday is the celebration dinner.

    Click for details, hotel info and event reservation form.

  • Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Treating PTS Is a Top Legislative Priority

    Commander Mike McDermott with Sen. James Seward

    Commander Mike McDermott with State Sen. James Seward

    ALBANY — Advocating for alternative therapies to treat post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury remains a top legislative priority for The American Legion Department of New York.

    That message was conveyed to state legislators and senators during the Legion’s Legislative Hill Day, held Feb. 25. Leading the annual Hill Day were Department Commander Michael McDermott, Department Adjutant James Casey and Department Legislative Chair Dorothy Button.

    read more »

  • Monday, February 24, 2020

    National Legislative Priorities

    A pamphlet on The American Legion’s 2020 National Legislative Priorities for 2020 is now available on the Department website’s Resources page, reports Past Department Commander V. James Troiola, who chairs the National Legislative Commission.


  • Monday, February 17, 2020

    Latest ‘Legion New York’ Magazine Available Online

    The latest issue of Legion New York Magazine is available online.

    This spring/winter 2020 issue was distributed at the Mid-Winter Conference in late January.

    Cover LegionNY WINTER SPRING 2020 167x218Some highlights:

    • A field of metal poppies pays tribute to vets in Livingston County.
    • Department leaders visit counties across the state.
    • A roundup of the Department and National Conventions.
    • New York’s Doughboy Color Guard is in national spotlight.
    • A look at the Boys State governor.
    • New York’s baseball champions.
    • Taps for a Medal of Honor Legionnaire.
    • Golf clubs for deployed troops.