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  • Thursday, July 23, 2020

    2020 Department Sweepstakes Winners

    Even though this summer’s Department Convention was cancelled due to the pandemic, the Department of New York still conducted the annual sweepstakes drawing, Department Adjutant James Casey announced.

    Mid-Winter Conference Chairman Harvey Martel drew the winners July 23 in a ceremony at Department Headquarters in Troy.

    The winners are:

    $ 5,000.00 Finley Morris #0355
    $ 2,500.00 Lopez Raul #0390
    $ 1,000.00 Corcoran Francis #1380
    $    500.00 Hayes Aloysius #0178
    $    500.00 Iannello Greg #0230
    $    500.00 Gallagher William #0429
    $    500.00 Myrhol Leonard #1578
  • Thursday, July 02, 2020

    Update from Department Adjutant

    Legionnaires, Sons of the American Legion and Legion Riders:

    As we approach the 4th of July weekend, I just wanted to update you on a few subjects.

    Our NYC, Buffalo and Troy offices are open for business on a limited basis and no visitors are permitted for the foreseeable future.

    Our NYC and Buffalo offices are housed in VA facilities and must follow VA guidelines; if they reimpose stricter guidelines, we are obligated to follow them.

    Our Troy office is in Rensselaer County and we are not at Phase 4 yet, but hope to be soon. Due to the pandemic our renovations were put on hold; we hope to resume them shortly and completion should be quick.

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  • Thursday, June 11, 2020

    Legal Aid Society Offers Help for Veterans and Their Families

    Legal Aid Society logoThe Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York (LASNNY) announced it “is here to provide legal services to veterans and their families.”

    “Our organization provides free legal services,” the announcement said, “ranging from simple legal advice to full representation in civil matters including, but not limited to: bankruptcy/foreclosure/eviction; obtaining and/or maintaining SNAP, SSI, UI, Medicaid, or other government assistance; family law including divorce, child custody, and domestic violence; will preparation, power of attorney, and healthcare proxy; and more.”

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  • Saturday, June 06, 2020

    Legion Family Golf Tournament Cancelled

    Like so many other Legion activities, this summer’s Legion Family Golf Tournament is falling victim to the COVID-19 pandemic and is being cancelled, the Department of New York announced.

    Golf Chairman Auseklis Krumins had been holding off on making a decision since the tournament was scheduled for Aug. 7 at Maple Hill Golf Club in Marathon, NY.

    However, he reports, “to date I have received no applications” and the owner of the golf course said “we would probably not be able to have the banquet there since there is no outside seating and the indoor space would be inadequate given the 6-foot distance requirement.”

    In addition, “Most of the players are too old to walk the course, and the logistics of having one player per golf cart are not really feasible.”

    The last time the tournament was “cancelled” was in 2018, when the tournament was rained out twice, on both the scheduled date and the rain date.

  • Monday, May 25, 2020

    Valhalla Post 1038 Holds Memorial Day Ceremony on Video

    Members of Valhalla American Legion Post 1038 didn’t let the pandemic shutdown stop them from remembering and honoring veterans and other front-line heroes who have gone before us.

    They produced a video tribute involving the community.

  • Friday, May 22, 2020

    An Unusual Time, But Legionnaires Still Remember

    Message from Commander MikeMike McDermott

    We are in an unusual time this Memorial Day as we remember our fallen service men and women.

    Most of our parades and outdoor activities have been cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, some of us are visiting graves in person while other participate virtually.

    We also honor those who succumbed to COVID-19 – especially older veterans who survived the battlefield only to be waylaid by a virus.

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