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  • Thursday, October 01, 2020

    ‘Cowboy’ Morris Leads New York’s Legion Riders

    Edward “Cowboy” Morris of Oneida County is the new state director for the American Legion Riders.

    Edward Morris

    Edward “Cowboy” Morris

    Department Commander Michael McDermott appointed Morris “to serve until the Department Convention in 2021,” after Director Robert Wallace resigned for personal reasons, Department Adjutant James Casey announced.

    Morris said his vision is to grow the American Legion Riders, promote the Legion Family, advocate for veterans, educate the public, and promote patriotism. He said he wants “to bring a real sense of brother- and sisterhood to all our chapters.”

    A U.S. Army veteran who served during the Lebanon/Grenada era, he is a member of the Meeker O’Rourke 1309 in Taberg.

    As a member of the Sons of the American Legion, Ed honors his late father, Air Force Veteran Edward R. Morris, who served in the Korean War and Vietnam Conflict.

    Legion Riders logoAs an American Legion Rider, Ed was the 5th & 6th District vice director, a road captain, chapter vice director, and chapter director.

    He has participated in a number of ALR activities such as, Feed The Vets, Clear Path, events for Injured riders, rides to support the Disabled American Veterans, Legacy Rides, Rolling Thunder in Washington, D.C., Patriot Guard for fallen veterans.

    Ed is a member of the Oneida County Department Visitation Committee, and the Committee to Elect Dave Reily Sr. for Department Commander.

    As department vice director, he has given reports and updates at many chapter meetings. He said he encourages networking and the importance of the Chapters Consolidated Reporting to the department.

    A graduate of Rome Free Academy and the Pennsylvania Gunsmith School, Ed is a diesel mechanic for Bliss Environmental, Camden, N.Y., and is married to Past Department President Deborah Kryczkowski. They share three children and eight grandchildren.

    Director Morris may be contacted at

  • Wednesday, September 16, 2020

    Oratorical Champ Shares Thoughts

    oratorical winner Victor Gelfuso 1 Victor Gelfuso, the Department of New York’s 2020 oratorical champion, could not address the Department Convention this year when it was cancelled due to the pandemic. But it didn’t stop him from penning words of “Pride and Gratitude” to share in written form.

    In a written message to Legionnaires, New York’s oratorical champion, Victor Gelfuso, says The American Legion’s speech contest fostered in him a greater appreciation for the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

    “Exercising my rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press,” he writes, “has shown me how much the United States values one of the paramount rights in human life: the freedom of thought and the pursuit of truth.”

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  • Saturday, September 12, 2020

    9/11 Memories and Department Update


    By James W. Casey
    Adjutant, Department of New York

    Remembering 9/11

    I attended a small ceremony Friday in Cohoes to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. It brought back some memories that I don’t think will ever leave me and I want to briefly share them with you.

    Jim Caseu

    James Casey

    On the morning of 09-11-01, I was home on Long Island making last minute adjustments for our Department Commander’s visit to Queens County. It was newly elected Department Commander Gibby Mitras’s first official visit on his 62-County journey through his year. We had planned a visit to the local VA Hospital at St. Albans and the State Veterans Nursing Home next door. Lunch at a local post and a tour of some war memorials in the area would round out the day’s events. A dinner and installation of the Queens County officers at Antuns Catering Hall would culminate the evening nicely.

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  • Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Canada Legionnaires Observe Korean Armistice Anniversary

    Canadian members of the American Legion Department of New York took part in the 70th Anniversary Observance of the Korean Armistice on Sunday, Aug. 9. The observance took place at Spencer Smith Park, Burlington, Ontario.

    Participating Legionnaires included Canada County Commander Bob Winder, a U.S. Army veteran; Ron Zabroc, a U.S. Navy vet, and Robert Williams, a U.S. Navy vet.

    Korean Consul General Chung, Tae-in presented 70-year certificates to several veterans, including Zabroc. Zabroc also was awarded a plaque commemorating his service in the Korean War.

    Canada veterans

    Veterans receive 70-year certificates of appreciation from the Korean Consul General – Chung, Tae-in (at right). Legionnaire Ron Zabroc is third from right.

  • Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Drive-by Celebrates Vet’s 84th Birthday

    Celebrating vet's 84th birthday

    Members of Post 71 pose with Nicholas DeVito after a drive-by birthday celebration for the 84-year-old Army veteran. Behind Nick, from left, are: Dave Sambora, executive committee; Ed Mahoney, 1st vice commander; Bruce Schwerkolt, commander; and John Hyland, chaplain. Photos by Edie DeVito

    Nick DeVito

    Nick DeVito with Certificate of Recognition from the national commander.

    Argonne Post 71 of Brewster, NY sponsored a drive-by birthday celebration on Aug. 8  for 84-year-old Army veteran and Legionnaire Nicholas DeVito.

    Included in the drive-by celebration were members of the American Legion Post 71, Brewster Fire Department, VFW Post 672, Elks Lodge 2101, New York Legion Riders-Putnam County, Fraternal Order of Police Unit 702, IBEW Local 3 Retirees, Gezers Telephone Retirees, and family.

    Following the drive-by, Post 71 members presented Nick with a Certificate of Recognition from National Commander James W. Oxford.

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  • Saturday, August 01, 2020

    ‘Legion NY’ Mag Covers Posts Staying on Mission

    Cover LegionNY SummerFall 2020The summer/fall issue of Legion New York Magazine focuses on how The American Legion stayed on mission during the pandemic. It features a number of Posts around the Department that conducted pandemic-related activities such as feeding first responders and essential workers to helping those in need.

    It also reports on pre-pandemic events such as the Mid-Winter Confere4nce, Hill Day, Oratorical Contest, A special feature by a New York Legionnaire covers the D-Day Remembrance in France.

    Since the pandemic forced the cancelation of this year’s Department Convention, where copies of the magazine are usually distributed. Department Headquarters decided to mail a copy to each American Legion Post in the Department of New York.

    It is available online here.