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the world's largest veterans organization

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  • Thursday, July 29, 2021

    Watch the 2021 Department Convention

    Being a limited-attended event due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 2921 Department Convention is available for live viewing. It starts streaming at 1 p.m. Thursday, July 29; then at 9 a.m. Friday, July 30; and then at 9 a.m. Saturday, July 31.


  • Thursday, July 22, 2021

    Jim Troiola Begins Campaign Visits Across the Nation

    NY’s Leading Candidate for National Commander for 2022-23.


    Vincent James Troiola, Past Department Commander and Past National Vice Commander

    Vincent James “Jim” Troiola, the leading candidate for National Commander of The American Legion for 2022-2023, has launched his campaign visits to Departments across the nation, with visits to Massachusetts, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin.

    To see latest updates on Jim’s campaign and travels, please visit: and

    “Please support this great campaign as best you can!” his Team New York Committee encourages. “You can host a fundraiser, you can donate online at, or mail in your donation.”

    Checks may be made payable to Team New York Campaign Fund and sent to Department of New York Offices at 1304 Park Blvd., Troy, NY 12180.

    “On behalf of candidate Troiola, his Team New York Committee thanks you in advance for your generosity.”

  • Legion Family Golf Tournament Cancelled

    Golf Chairman Auseklis Krumins announced that “the Legion Family Golf Tourmament scheduled for August 6, 2021 has been cancelled due to complications that arose from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

    Not being able to hold an in-person Mid-Winter Conference and a normal Department Convention this year were contributing factors, he said.

    He noted that he has “spoken with the owner of the Maple Hill Golf Club in Marathon, NY and they look forward to resuming the tournament next year on the first Friday in August.” 

  • Saturday, July 17, 2021

    Registrations Due for National Convention

    A reminder to submit registrations and waivers to Department Headquarters for the National Convention – ASAP.

    See National Convention page for details.


  • Friday, June 18, 2021

    Manhattan VA Renamed in Honor of Woman Veteran

    Margaret Corbin

    Image of Margaret Corbin on her memorial at West Point. Photo by Ahodges7 / Wikipedia

    U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and U.S. Representative Carolyn B. Maloney announced June 18 the renaming of the Manhattan VA Medical Center to the Margaret Cochran Corbin Campus of the New York Harbor Health Care System. The Manhattan VA is the first in the nation to be named after a woman veteran.

    The American Legion Department of New York had supported the effort to rename the facility in honor of a woman veteran of the War of Independence.

    read more »

  • Sunday, June 13, 2021

    Oneida County Elects First Woman Commander

    Oneida County Commander Lucy Burgard

    Oneida County Commander Lucy Burgard with Vice Commander Ed Jackson.

    Lucy Burgard of Lee Center made history on June 12, becoming the first woman to lead the Oneida County American Legion in the organization’s 102-year history.

    Commander Burgard was elected and installed during the Legion’s County Convention, held at Utica Post 229 in North Utica, home post to outgoing County Commander Jim George. The convention drew delegates from American Legion Posts across Oneida County. read more »