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  • Friday, January 21, 2022

    Commander LaMarsh Shares His Mid-Winter Message

    Frank LaMarsh
    My Fellow Legionnaires and Members of the American Legion Family,

    During the weeks leading up to the decision to cancel the Mid-Winter conference, Adjutant Casey and I spent a considerable amount of time and effort weighing all the options, scenarios, and possibilities associated with moving forward with the Conference or canceling it. One of the most important factors was, and will always be, the welfare and safety of our membership. At the end of the day, we believed that some of the activities, like the cocktail reception, dinner, social gatherings, meetings and taking into consideration our recent experiences bringing several hundred Legionnaires together, posed a threat that we were not willing to take. Along those lines, we felt the prudent thing to do was to postpone my visitations. I hope many, if not all of them, can be rescheduled because I look forward to seeing you and getting my message out.

    It appears that the latest strain of the COVID-19 virus, at least in many parts of New York, is in the decline. Hopefully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and Hill Day and our springtime activities can and will go on.

    read more »

  • Wednesday, January 12, 2022

    8th District Visitations Cancelled

    At the request of the 8th District Commander and the 8th District County Commanders, the visitations to the 8th District are cancelled.

    “Pro Deo et Patria”
    James W. Casey, Adjutant
    American Legion Department of New York


  • Sunday, January 09, 2022

    Norfolk Riders to Host 17th Charity Ride in July

    Check presentation

    Last year’s charity ride raised over $8000 for Project Lifesaver. Here the Norfolk Rides present a check to the St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department. From left: Sheriff’s Deputy Patrick Chapman, ALR Chapter Director Thomas Morrison, ALR Chapter Vice Director Harry Caringi, Sheriff Brooks Bigwarfe, and Retired Sheriff’s Detective Thomas Caringi.

    The American Legion Riders of Norfolk Post 925 are hosting the 17th annual motorcycle charity ride on July 9, 2022 (Saturday).

    “Proceeds of the 2022 Ride will be forwarded to the Americans Supporting Armed Services (ASAS) in Potsdam, NY to help them continue to advocate for more resources and help for veterans afflicted by burn pit exposure,” noted Riders Chapter Director Thomas Morrison. Last year’s charity ride raised $8217 for Project Lifesaver.

    The ride begins at the Norfolk American Legion Post located at State Route 56 and High Street in Norfolk. All riders depart from the post and later return for an “end of the ride” meal and festivities. There will be several stops at local veterans’ organizations. Registration is from 9 to 11 a.m., with kickstands up shortly afterwards. read more »

  • Thursday, January 06, 2022

    Mid-Winter Conference Cancelled, Along with 3rd & 7th District Visits

    Legionnaires and Sons of The American Legion,

    Frank LaMarsh 2021

    Frank LaMarsh

    It is with an abundance of caution and heavy hearts that we inform you of the cancellation of the 2022 Mid-Winter Conference along with the 3rd and 7th Districts Department Commander’s visitations. We have been discussing this possibility since the recent surge in Covid-19 cases started. We advised Detachment Commander David Lee of our discussions yesterday and he was in total agreement.

    Jim Casey

    James Casey

    The Desmond hotel will cancel all of the room reservations for us and if you provided them an email address, they will notify you shortly. If you are a committee chairman, please notify any guests that you have invited of our cancellation.

    It is our hope that this pandemic will be behind us in March as we attempt to gather for our Hill Day Conference. I would like to thank Anne Rounds and the staff at Department headquarters along with Harvey Martel and the Desmond staff for all their hard work in putting this Conference together. This decision was not an easy one to make but the health and safety of our members and their guests have always been our highest priority. Please stay safe and healthy.

    Francis LaMarsh                                    James W. Casey
    Commander                                                       Department Adjutant

  • Wednesday, December 29, 2021

    2020 Legionnaire of Year Inducted into Veterans Hall of Fame

    Wayne Baumgartner
    2020 Department of New York Legionnaire of the Year Wayne Baumgartner was inducted into the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame in November by State Senator Sean Ryan;

    Baumgartner is a past commander of the Milton J. Brounshidle Post 205. The Town of Tonawanda resident is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. He has been a member of the Legion for 52 years, holding a number of positions in his Post.

    When honored as Legionnaire of the Year, Baumgartner was described as representing “the service and commitment of what The American Legion is all about” by 8th District Commander William Miskell.

    Wayne Baumgartner with Sen. Sean Rya and Erie County Commaner Gary Wald

    Wayne Baumgartner with Sen. Sean Rya and Erie County Commaner Gary Wald

    “I am grateful to Mr. Baumgartner, not only for his service to our country as a veteran of the Air Force, but also for his dedication to the Tonawanda community in the decades that followed,” Senator Ryan noted.

    Bumgartner “volunteers countless hours to coordinate and plan events for the post, supporting the pillars of the American Legion: veterans affairs and rehabilitation, national security, Americanism, and children and youth,” Brounshidle Post Commander Ted Balbierz told the Ken-Ton Bee.
    Baumgartner joined the Air Force after graduating high school in July 1961. He reenlisted in 1965 and was deployed as an administrative specialist to Tan Son Nhut Air Base in South Vietnam in 1966. During his eight years of service, Baumgartner received several honors, including the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Air Force Good Conduct Medal, and the Republic of Vietnam Medal.

  • Friday, December 03, 2021

    Past Dept. Vice Commander Gawlik Passes

    John Gawlik

    LYONS – Past Department Vice Commander John Gawlik, 93, of Lyons went to Post Everlasting on Nov. 26. A proud member of The American Legion, he served as Lyons Post commander, as 7th District commander and, according to his obituary, he “traveled to 48 states for Legion national conventions, making numerous friends around the country.”

    He was born in Poland, and at age sixteen, he was taken from his home by the Nazis on Christmas Day. “He managed to survive,” his obit said, “because a Nazi soldier needed help on his family farm and the soldier’s son picked John to be that helper. An American soldier helped bring him to the United States after the fall of the Nazis. John served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, and one of his duties was to guard General Eisenhower’s home, where he was able to get to know Mamie Eisenhower well.”