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Monday, January 31, 2022
Legionnaire Leads State Division of Veterans Services
by John J. Creskey, commander, Adolph Pfister Post 1038
Rev. Viviana DeCohen, a member of American Legion Post 1038 in Valhalla, is the new director of the state Division of Veterans Services.
A veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, she served as the commissioner of the Mount Vernon Veterans Service Agency and associate pastor at Mount Vernon Heights Congregational Church. She has dedicated her time and talent assisting veterans by ensuring they had food, shelter, clothing, education and employment opportunities, and by providing a little motivation which earned her the affectionate title of “Mama V.”
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Carrie Ahearn Is New Buffalo DSO
Carrie L. Ahearn is making history as the new DSO for the Department’s Buffalo office (effective mid-February).
“She is the first female Department Service Officer in the Department’s history,” Department Adjutant James W. Casey noted. In addition, Carrie was the second woman to be honored as Department Service Officer of the Year (2020).”
Carrie has been with Yates County Veterans Service Agency since December 2017. Her advice to vets seeking benefits: “I think every veteran should be in communication with a service officer” so that changes in life (marriage, divorce, children, health status) can be recorded in a timely manner.
An Air Force veteran, Carrie was an aircraft structural maintenance journeyman, serving both stateside and abroad (Korea and Saudi Arabia). Carrie is a member of Johnson Costello Post 355 in Penn Yan. She and her husband, Sean, have been operating the Penn Yan Diner since 2012.
Monday, January 24, 2022
Joseph Cann, Jr. $ 5,000.00
Staten Island, NYRandy Sears $ 2,000.00
Plattsburgh, NYEdward L. Mallicoat $ 1,000.00
East Northport, NYPhilip A. Gerhart $ 500.00
Newark, NYSeymour Geller $ 250.00
New York, NYRodney J. Felton $ 250.00
Kirkville, NYPaul A. Pogozelski $ 250.00
New Rochelle, NYGene Tiede $ 250.00
Pavilion, NY -
Friday, January 21, 2022
Commander LaMarsh Shares His Mid-Winter Message
My Fellow Legionnaires and Members of the American Legion Family,During the weeks leading up to the decision to cancel the Mid-Winter conference, Adjutant Casey and I spent a considerable amount of time and effort weighing all the options, scenarios, and possibilities associated with moving forward with the Conference or canceling it. One of the most important factors was, and will always be, the welfare and safety of our membership. At the end of the day, we believed that some of the activities, like the cocktail reception, dinner, social gatherings, meetings and taking into consideration our recent experiences bringing several hundred Legionnaires together, posed a threat that we were not willing to take. Along those lines, we felt the prudent thing to do was to postpone my visitations. I hope many, if not all of them, can be rescheduled because I look forward to seeing you and getting my message out.
It appears that the latest strain of the COVID-19 virus, at least in many parts of New York, is in the decline. Hopefully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and Hill Day and our springtime activities can and will go on.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
8th District Visitations Cancelled
At the request of the 8th District Commander and the 8th District County Commanders, the visitations to the 8th District are cancelled.
“Pro Deo et Patria”
James W. Casey, Adjutant
American Legion Department of New York -
Sunday, January 09, 2022
Norfolk Riders to Host 17th Charity Ride in July
Last year’s charity ride raised over $8000 for Project Lifesaver. Here the Norfolk Rides present a check to the St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department. From left: Sheriff’s Deputy Patrick Chapman, ALR Chapter Director Thomas Morrison, ALR Chapter Vice Director Harry Caringi, Sheriff Brooks Bigwarfe, and Retired Sheriff’s Detective Thomas Caringi.
The American Legion Riders of Norfolk Post 925 are hosting the 17th annual motorcycle charity ride on July 9, 2022 (Saturday).
“Proceeds of the 2022 Ride will be forwarded to the Americans Supporting Armed Services (ASAS) in Potsdam, NY to help them continue to advocate for more resources and help for veterans afflicted by burn pit exposure,” noted Riders Chapter Director Thomas Morrison. Last year’s charity ride raised $8217 for Project Lifesaver.
The ride begins at the Norfolk American Legion Post located at State Route 56 and High Street in Norfolk. All riders depart from the post and later return for an “end of the ride” meal and festivities. There will be several stops at local veterans’ organizations. Registration is from 9 to 11 a.m., with kickstands up shortly afterwards. read more »