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the world's largest veterans organization

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  • Monday, September 23, 2013

    Veterans’ Services

    American Legion service officers answer questions and provide help in securing your veterans’ benefits.

    Veterans’ Assistance Referral

    Do you know a vet or family member who needs help or has questions about veterans’ benefits? The Veteran Assistance Referral Form can help American Legion members get help from their department service officers. Just complete this form and a service officer from your area will contact you. Or, if you prefer, just call your local service officer.
    Veteran Service Officer Listing by County 2024 (PDF)

    Fields marked with an * are required

    Contact a Service Officer with your Question

    If you are a veteran, you are never alone. Legion services are here to help as you struggle through paperwork and the bureaucracy of government agencies. The American Legion department service officers (DSO) offer free advice and guidance for veterans who need the services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Call or e-mail your local service officer with your questions. We’ll help you access the benefits you have earned.