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Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Commander Briefs Media on Veterans’ Issues, Announces $50,000 Grant
Commander Keith Koster (left) displays the “Be the One” banner while briefing news media on suicide prevention and other veterans’ issues. Assisting him is his aide, David Lockhart.
Pointing to The American Legion’s major suicide prevention campaign, Department Commandeer Keith Koster said “we must ‘Be the One’” to reach out and spread the word, take the Columbia protocol and help veterans exhibiting signs they might take their own lives.
That’s how he began a briefing with news media during the 106th Mid-Winter Conference on Saturday, Jan. 18, in Albany.
Friday, January 17, 2025
Winter Issue of ‘Legion New York Mag’ is online
The Winter issue of Legion New York Magazine is available online. Printed copies were available at the Mid-Winter Conference, held Jan. 17-19, in Albany.
This issue includes such content as:
• Commander’s Message.
• $100,000 donation for homeless vets.
• America’s largest Veterans Day Parade.
• Newspaper profiles Legionnaires.
• Legionnaires bring holiday cheer to VA patients and to other veterans.
• Service officer expands programs, including “healing with horses.”
• Depew Post honors dealership.
• Erie County Legionnaires at Heroes Gala.
• Spectrum donates to Dunbar Post.
• Salute to Canadian and British vets.
• Halfmoon Post donates $43,000 to causes.
• West Bloomfield Post launches gaming program.
• Legionnaires support Air Guard at Buffalo wreath-laying.
Veterans Converge on Albany for Mid-Winter Conference
ALBANY — ‘Be the One’ was a visible theme at The American Legion Mid-Winter ConferenceThe three-day conference got underway Friday, Jan. 17, with hundreds of veterans and family members converging on Albany.
Participants include members of The American Legion Department of New York, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion.
Held at the Crowne Plaza – Desmond Hotel, the conference features workshops and seminars on a host of topics affecting military veterans, plus a Sunday morning general session.
The effort to curb veteran suicide under The American Legion’s “Be the One” campaign encourages members to reach out to veterans who may be showing signs of wanting to take their own lives.
Photo Above:
Legionnaires from Arcade Post 737 were among the early arrivals at the 2025 Mid-Winter Conference and they quickly displayed their support of the “Be the One” suicide prevention campaign. From left: Robin Kruppa, Tony Solina and Post Commander Dave Kellner. In addition to being active in the Post, Kruppa and Solia are Wyoming County veterans service officers. Photo by Robert Stronach.
Tuesday, January 07, 2025
Membership Impact Report for December 2024
Check out the details of December’s Impact Report.
Friday, December 20, 2024
‘Be the One’ to Do Good in 2025
Santa Claus hitches a ride on a U.S. Navy helicopter.U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Samantha Jetzer.
Commander’s Holiday Message
I would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a healthy & prosperous New Year. Take this time to enjoy your families and friends. “Be The One” to check in with those you know may be alone for the holidays. From the pictures I saw on social media, many of us paid our respect on December 14th as we place wreathes at the National Cemeteries in our area.
As I reflect on the year past, we have moved our great organization forward. A donation to Homeward Bound in Franklin County for $100,000 to help veterans with PTSD and TBI in a camp setting. Another $100,000 donation to Tunnels to Towers (T2T) on Veterans Day in NYC to help with homeless veterans through their programs. We learned in the military that we could not do our missions alone and it takes everyone to achieve our mission. The same is true working with partners that serve the same mission as the American Legion helping our veterans.
We continue to give back every day in our communities through Toys for Tots drives, Christmas parties for youth in the community and many other wonderful acts of kindness. In this time of giving consider National Emergency Fund (NEF) to help our brothers and sisters still impacted down south from hurricanes this year, along with Child Wellness Fund (CWF) and “Be The One” campaigns.
Our visitations this year have had an impact on the entire traveling leadership team. We have seen the best the American Legion has to offer in the counties we have visited. We look forward to the remaining visits in 2025. I know New York will not disappoint. Continue the great work you are doing in your communities. read more »
Thursday, December 19, 2024
SAL sponsors bowling with Albany VA vets
The Sons of the American Legion from Blanchard-Currey Post 1040 in Delmar takes patients at Albany’s Stratton VA Medical Center bowling at Del Lanes in order to, as the Albany VA Facebook page put it, “show our veterans that they are loved and honored for their service.”
SAL member Joe Benoit poses with VA Recreational Therapy Supervisor Michele Ferrauilo, along with patients and other community members as they celebrate the monthly “Bowling with Veterans.”