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Wednesday, August 09, 2017
Middleburgh Post Captures Department Golf Title
MARATHON, NY — A foursome from Middleburgh Post 248 captured the first place title in the Department of New York’s annual Legion Family Golf Tournament, held Aug. 4 at Maple Hill Golf Club.
“Once again the golfers enjoyed sunny weather with no rain,” noted Golf Chairman Auseklis Krumins. “Everyone had a great time, regardless of how well they played.”
The winning Middleburgh Post foursome included team captain James McBain, Ralph Benham, George Guest and Gerald Hooper. They wore shirts in memory of avid golfer Mike Saccento, who passed away this past year and “who always enjoyed playing in the Legion tournament,” Krumins said.
The second place team was from Post 151 in Middletown, captained by Abe Escobar.
A team from Post 974 in Whitney Point came in third place, captained by past Post Commander Leon Skinner.
Jim Poyer from Post 974 won the prize for longest drive for men and Ed Carroll from Post 1610 in Albany won closest to the pin for men.
Department Legionnaire of the Year for 2016-17 Betsy J. Gips of Post 1556 in Morrisville won both longest drive and closest to the pin for women.
A consolation prize was awarded to George Gelatt’s team from Post 1194 in Hillcrest for being most honest in scoring.