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Thursday, April 16, 2020
Message from Department of New York Adjutant
Convention Cancelled, But Other Business Goes On
Legionnaires, SAL members, Legion Riders,Just an update on where we stand today and a few notes on where we are going. The Department Convention for 2020 has been cancelled and the Visitors Bureau has notified all the hotels of that fact and all hotel reservations have been cancelled. The Binghamton Convention Committee is working on shifting the Convention to 2022 and we look forward to a successful transition.
All elections for the 2020/2021 year have been cancelled and all sitting Officers will remain in place. Please send your 2020/2021 Officer Certification forms to Department headquarters with correct and legible email addresses.
I have been able to contact many of our members during this crisis through email and it is a cost effective and timely means of keeping our members informed.All Department awards will be given out this year when time permits; ie: Scouting, Legionnaire of the Year, Scholarships, Service Officer of the Year, First Responders (Law And Order), Membership, Americanism, Children and Youth and Employment. Please contact the appropriate Committee Chairman to submit your paperwork.
Several posts, although closed to the public and members, are serving Meals to Go and I urge you to patronize them. Some posts have even purchased meals and sent them to our first responders at their local police stations, fire houses, ambulance stations and hospitals. We are a community-based organization and this is a great way to give back to the community. Posts are also opening up to the Red Cross for urgently needed Blood Drives. Just be sure to check with your local health authorities for guidance and restrictions.Please remember that your obligation to file your Post, County or District Tax returns with the IRS remains in force. Failure to do so can result in the loss of your Tax Exempt Status.
I am aware that many Posts are experiencing financial difficulties in these troubling times. The President recently signed a bill in an attempt to help small businesses get through this. The Small Business Administration is now offering loans to help offset this loss; please contact your accountant or the local bank you deal with to see if you qualify. If you meet certain criteria, your loan may be forgiven.
All forms on the Department website have been updated. Consolidated Post Reports can be emailed directly to National for processing.
In these difficult times, please find a few minutes to contact some of your Post members to see how they are doing. Many of them live alone and a call from a fellow Veteran would mean a lot.
Please stay safe out there and follow all the guidelines from the National, State and Local authorities. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
“Pro Deo et Patria”
James W. Casey
Department of New York