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Tuesday, February 04, 2014
Legionnaires to Converge on Albany for Hill Day
ALBANY — Legionnaires from around the state will meet with state legislators and their staffs to discuss veterans issues during The American Legion’s annual Hill Day on Tuesday, March 18.
Department of New York Legislative Chair Joseph V. Barry noted that a legislative meeting will be held the evening before Hill Day, on Monday, March 17, at 7 p.m., at the Hilton Albany.
Hill Day will kick off with a Legion-hosted legislative breakfast for members of the Assembly and Senate — from 8 to 10 a.m. in Ballrooms C, D & E at the Hilton Albany (formerly the Crowne Plaza).
Immediately following breakfast, Barry will chair a legislative program briefing. Department Commander Kenneth Governor will also address Legionnaires.
Department Adjutant James Casey noted that Hill Day will feature a Veterans’ Legislative Rally, with the afternoon set aside for Legionnaires to visit their legislators’ offices and discuss veterans’ issues and legislation.
Click here for the Hill Day invitation letter, breakfast reservation form, and information on housing.