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Thursday, December 18, 2014
Legion Posts Provide Winterwear for Children
UTICA — The pre-schoolers were excited, singing for their American Legion visitors, and showing gleeful anticipation over the huge box decorated with Christmas wrapping.
The Calvary Head Start program, located in the former Calvary Church Parish House on South Street with the Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency (MVCAA), put out the word that children were in need of winter clothing.
“Two American Legion Posts answered the call,” noted Marron Mcleod of Provost Post 1686.
Legionnaires Jim George (left) and Marron Mcleod, with Community Action Agency official Evon Ervin. Mcleod and George distributed winter clothing to pre-school children.
He was there with fellow post member Ed Jackson and a contingent from Utica Post 229 and its Auxiliary that included Jim George, Rosaria Haggerty, Rosetta LaPaglia and Pam Vogel. Mcleod told staff and children: “We have a box full of brand new mittens, hats, scarves, socks and coats.”
The children gathered around the box and on cue tore into the wrapping. Then Mcleod and George distributed a pair of gloves, hat and scarf to each of the children, who began modeling the winterwear.
Teacher Jackie Parks led the children in a rousing “thank you,” and the kids presented huge thank-you cards they had created.
Auxiliary Unit 229 also donated a $100 check.
“Most of the children we serve are (from) low income families, single mothers,” MVCAA Deputy Director Evon Ervin told WUTR TV. “Ninety percent of them work, but they struggle, so it’s very important that we can give back to the children.”