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Monday, June 23, 2014
Legion College Graduates 86
MORRISVILLE — The annual Legion College graduated 86 students June 22 at Morrisville State College. (See Doug Malin’s photo album.)
“Our ranks are now bustling with Legionnaires and Sons from across the Department who are ‘engaged’ in forwarding the mission of our organization,” noted Legion College Dean Michael F. Hannan. The 86 members of the Class of 2014, he said, ranged in age from 27 to 83, and included two from Connecticut (a Legionnaire and the Sons of the American Legion Detachment commander).
“The faculty updated their lesson plans to recognize changes in the Legion from the national organization and the results were noticeable. The surveys provided by the students were extremely positive – with many indicating an interest in either attending the National College or beginning the process in becoming an instructor.”
Department Adjutant James Casey, he added, was “very generous in his remarks about the College” and Department Commander Kenneth Governor “challenged each graduate to recognize that their work is just beginning.”
Hannan encouraged Legionnaires who have not yet attended to consider spending the third weekend next June as part of the class of 2015. “The tuition will remain very affordable,” he said, and can be defrayed “by your post’s Bell Jar funds.” He recommended that “anyone planning on stepping up in our ranks to have the distinguished graduation pin on their lapel!”
New York’s Legion College, he added, is recognized throughout the United States as the premier Legion College in the country.