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Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Leading Candidate Sampson in Vets’ Hall of Fame
ALBANY – Vietnam-era veteran John B. Sampson, the leading candidate for 2016-2017 commander of the New York State American Legion, was inducted into the New York State Senate’s Veterans’ Hall of Fame on May 24.
Sampson was nominated by Senator Catharine Young (R,C,I- 57th District), who noted:
“John Sampson has a distinguished service record and time-and-again has proven himself dedicated to his fellow veterans. Members of the Navy often use the phrase ‘Non sibi sed patriae’, which in Latin means ‘Not for self but for country,’ and I can think of no better description for how Mr. Sampson has lived his life.”
Sampson served in the United States Navy from August 1967 to February 1972 with assignments on the USS Freemont, APA 44 and at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, as part of a joint military command. He was honorably discharged with the rank 2nd Class Personnel Man (E5). He earned a number of awards, including an Air Force Commendation, a Navy Good Conduct, a National Defense Service Ribbon, and following his service, a New York State Conspicuous Service Medal.
After completing his military service, Sampson became an accredited Veteran Service Officer for Cattaraugus County, a position he held for over two decades. During that time he developed protocols and procedures that are now used statewide.
Sampson has held numerous leadership positions in several veterans organizations. In the American Legion, he held positions at post, county, department and national levels, and is the leading candidate to be state commander for the American Legion Department of New York. If elected, he will become the first person from Cattaraugus County to hold the title in the Legion’s nearly 100-year history. In addition, Sampson has held positions within the American Legion as the national chairman for Veterans Education, Other Benefits and Homeless; vice chairman, National Americanism Commission; department chairman, Rehabilitation Committee; department chairman, Resolutions Committee; dean, American Legion College of New York; and past Department Service Officer of the Year.
A past president of New York State Veterans Service Officer Association, Sampson was the founder of the Cattaraugus-Allegany Joint Veterans Council Volunteer Van Service and remains active in the program. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the World War II Museum and is a member of Local Draft Board #90 Selective Service.
In addition to being a member of the American Legion, Sampson is a lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Sons of the American Legion.