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Thursday, May 18, 2017
Help Your Community to Observe Memorial Day
by John B. Sampson
CommanderThis year Memorial Day will be celebrated on Monday, May 29.
This one day a year is when we formally take the time to honor and remember those who never came home from war and who gave their all so we could be free.
We, as American Legion members, are charged by the preamble to our Constitution to preserve the memories and incidents of our association in the Great Wars. It also charges us with the faithful annual observance of Memorial Day.
We have to insure that the education of our children includes knowledge of the events of years past; the real cost of freedom. We must never forget the sacrifices of those who gave their all.
In order for us to fulfill our charges, I am asking every member of the Department of New York American Legion to help your community this year to put on the best Memorial Day festivities in order to educate your communities on the real sacrifice and true meaning of Memorial Day.
Thank You, everyone.