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Friday, May 26, 2023
Ensuring That the Ultimate Sacrifice Is Not in Vain
By David R. Riley Sr.
Department CommanderWe do not forget.
We do not forget those who died for their country so that others can enjoy freedom.
We do not forget the Gold Star families who mourn loved ones for the rest of their lives.
The American Legion Family has a special obligation to honor and remember all of our country’s fallen heroes. We remember them not just on Memorial Day, but through our daily commitment to ensure that America remains a place worthy of such sacrifice.
We honor these heroes by supporting those who are currently serving in our armed forces. Military service comes with inherent dangers. Earlier this year, we lost nine young soldiers when two Black Hawk helicopters crashed near Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
The men and women who died for our freedom represent the diverse patchwork that is the United States of America. They came from every ethnicity and background. In short, they looked like anyone of us.
Their one common characteristic is that they all took an oath to be ready to put themselves in harm’s way for their country.
We remember. We remember to ensure that their sacrifices are not in vain and that future generations understand the importance of service and sacrifice.
We remember.