Latest News
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Convention’s online housing process now closed
Dear Legion Family,
The online housing process for the 2015 Buffalo Department of New York Conventions is now closed.
The Hyatt Hotel is sold out. We have blocked a few rooms at the Adam’s Mark Hotel for any late reservations. The only way to reserve a room at this point with convention block pricing, 7/15 to 7/18, is to call Karen Cox of the Visit Buffalo Niagara Office at (716) 218 – 2925.
A big THANK YOU goes out to everyone who worked with this first year process of the online housing reservation system. A special thanks also goes out to those who stayed within the housing blocks to help us meet Hotel minimums to ensure we obtain our session and meeting rooms at no charge.
Hope to see you all in Buffalo this July!
Jim Bojanowski
2015 General Chairman