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Monday, September 10, 2018
Commander Schacher Presents $10,000 for Scholarships in Memory of Navy SEAL
The American Legion Department of New York donated $10,000 to be used for scholarships in memory of Lt. Michael P. Murphy, a fallen Long Island Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor recipient.
Department Commander Gary Schacher presented the donation Sunday, Sept. 9, to Lieutenant Murphy’s parents, Dan and Maureen, for the Lt. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation.
Department Commander Gary Schacher, second from right, poses with Lt. Michael Murphy’s parents, Maureen and Dan, and past National Vice Commander Robert Neville, after presenting a $10,000 donation for scholarships in Lt. Murphy’s memory.
The presentation occurred during the Suffolk County American Legion dinner at Babylon Post 94 in conjunction with a visitation by state Legion, Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion leaders. Also present for the presentation was Past American Legion National Vice Commander and Past Department Commander Robert Neville.
See more Suffolk County Visitation photos by Mario Cristaldi
The foundation awards some 18 scholarships a year in memory of the former Patchogue resident, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2005 and posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. Family members started the foundation because, they note, the fallen SEAL’s favorite saying was, “Education will set you free.”
This past July Lt. Murphy’s local monument plaque was vandalized, which shocked the community and got the attention of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who, news media reported, was “appalled and disgusted” by the memorial’s destruction, and said the state would “fully fund” its replacement.