Latest News
Thursday, March 19, 2020
CANCELLED: Homecoming, Legion College, Boys State
Legionnaires, Auxiliary and SAL members,
It is with a heavy heart and a great degree of sadness that we inform you of the cancellation of The American Legion Department of New York College June 5, 6 and 7, the Department Commander’s Homecoming May 15, 16 and 17, and the Department of New York Boys State program June 25 through July 3.
The continuing outbreak of the coronavirus and the dramatic increases in cases throughout New York State, plus the recent increases in the severity of cases in our youth, has forced us to put the health and safety of our members, their families and the young men of our state first.
Legion College applications will no longer be accepted and any that have been received will be returned. You are hereby advised to cancel your room reservations for the Homecoming. The committee will decide how to handle your dinner reservations. Boys State workers are requested to notify all applicants of the cancellation and properly dispose of all applicable paperwork.
We are still awaiting guidelines from the VA regarding the staffing of our offices in NYC and Buffalo. Our Troy headquarters has been closed all week and we have had the office thoroughly cleaned. We will staff that office according to NY State guidelines.
In this time of great stress and anxiety, we want to assure all of you that this calamity will work itself out and we will come out of this stronger than ever.
James W. Casey Michael McDermott
Department Adjutant Department Commander