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Monday, September 21, 2015
Brocton Post Sons Restore Benches for Village
BROCTON, NY — Folks in the Village of Brocton “can now stop and sit a spell in beautiful splendor,” thanks to members of the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 434, reports John W. Dill Post 434 Commander Henry Link.
The Sons recently refurbished park benches that had been donated to the community by local citizens and businesses in 1999 as part of a project by the Main Street Revitalization Committee.
SAL members restored village benches in Brocton. From ledt are: SAL Chaplain Shane West, Adjutant Sean Connolly, Vice Grant Courson and Commander Herb McIntyre.
“These benches are better now than they were when they were brand new,” noted Brocton Street Department Superintendent Tom Allen. “With the new oak boards and paint, these are good for another 15 years.”
Members of Brocton’s SAL Squadron 434 were searching for a service project to enhance their community, when they decided to investigate how they could help bring new life to the park benches. The Village Street Department places them around the Village each year, and over the years they had become weathered and in need of repair.
SAL members formed a committee to explore what needed to be done to restore the benches to pristine condition. A plan was hatched and work began, and this summer the work on the benches was finished and they were returned to the village, restored and ready for relaxation.
“The project really played on the strengths of the Sons, and even drew on some of our Legionnaires,” said Post Commander Link. “There are some very talented guys in that group — some terrific woodworking talent — and restoring those benches was a great way to show that off. I’m so pleased to see what they did for our village.”
SAL Commander Herb McIntyre echoed that sentiment, saying he could not be more pleased.
“I would like to thank everyone that helped make this project successful,” McIntyre said. “A special thank you to Post 434 Legion member Steve Milliman for the many hours spent finding the rough-cut oak, sawing, planing, and sanding. When I saw the boards Steve made for the benches, I thought we were making new kitchen cupboards for someone’s home, not park benches!”
Adding icing to the cake are the brand new plaques gracing each bench, listing the names of the original community members who donated them back in 1999. SAL member Shane West donated the replacement plaques in honor of his father, Lloyd West.
The Sons of the American Legion also recognized Dunkirk Home Depot, Dunkirk Sherwin Williams, the Town of Portland, and the Village of Brocton for their participation and support.