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  • Friday, May 15, 2020

    Queens Post 483 Helping to Feed Hundreds

    National Commander Bill Oxford praised Rosedale-Laurelton Post 483 in Queens in a Facebook post for its soup kitchen and food pantry efforts. The post also was featured on the national American Legion website.

    Rosedale-Laurelton Post 483

    Members of the American Legion in Rosedale, Queens, fed hundreds of residents left unemployed or hard pressed to buy food for their families. Photo by Todd Maisel

    By The American Legion

    As a member of the Veterans Advisory Committee of Southeast Queens, Rosedale-Laurelton American Legion Post 483 in Queens, N.Y., works in tandem and shares resources with other organizations in the area to provide services to both veterans and the community.

    Included in those services are a soup kitchen and four food pantries – one of the latter being housed at Post 483 for the past 10 years. But what normally had been those in need coming to the post to get food has changed since the coronavirus pandemic hit New York City.

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  • Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    Kenmore Post Donates 100 Boxes of Produce to Food Pantry

    Operation Groundhog Day

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    Post 205 members deliver produce. From left: Ways & Means Chair Fran Roselli, 3rd Vice Commander RuthAnn Coppola, Ken-Ton Cares Volunteer Scott Lackey, 1st Vice Commander Ray Borawski (orange coat), and unloading boxes, Children & Youth Chair Nick Scott and Adjutant Bob Haug.

    KENMORE – When a food pantry started up during the pandemic to help families in the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda (Ken-Ton) School District, Milton J. Brounshidle Post 205 in Kenmore reached out to help.

    After looking at ways to maximize a donation, legionnaires launched “Operation Groundhog Day” (a reference to the Bill Murray movie that has him repeating the same day). They delivered 50 boxes of fresh produce to Ken-Ton Cares Food Pantry and then repeated the 50-box delivery a week later.

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  • Monday, May 11, 2020

    2020 American Legion Baseball Season Cancelled

    The Department of New York American Legion Baseball Committee is disappointed to announce that the 2020 season has been cancelled per a directive from National Headquarters in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Thursday, May 07, 2020

    Legion Feeds Cortland County First Responders, ER Staff

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    Department Commander Mike McDermott helpes deliver meals to ER staff at Guthrie Cortland Medical Center. Photos by Wayne Dunckel.

    Department Commander Michael McDermott and the Cortland County Legion Family turned out to provide  spaghetti and meatball dinners to first responders from throughout the county on May 5.

    “It was fantastic,” Commander McDermott said. “We served 235 dinners and had lots of help. We really worked as a team.”

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  • Wednesday, May 06, 2020

    UPDATE: SBA Loan/Grants, Baseball, Nat’l Visits, Nat’l Commander Candidate

    Message from Department Adjutant

    Legionnaires, SAL members, Legion Riders,        

    Don’t Overlook SBA Loan/Grants

    Jim Caseu

    James Casey

    I hope this message finds you, your family and friends in good health and spirits. During these trying times it sometimes seems there is no end to this pandemic but please remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We will get through this and come out stronger in the end. I am writing to you from our HQ in Troy as I have spent a few days up here attending to Department business. We have secured an SBA loan/grant to assist in our expenses. A big thank-you to Anne Rounds, who continues to maintain our Troy office and is a great asset to the Department. Her assistance to our accountants and Berkshire Bank were pivotal in our securing this loan/grant. I would advise all the Posts in the Department to attempt to avail yourselves of these SBA loan/grants. Please contact your accountant or local bank for guidance and assistance.

    No Tournaments, But Trying to Maintain a Baseball Season

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  • Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Meals for Geneva First Responders

    Meals for Geneva First Responders 6281

    Past Department Commander Rena Nessler (center) and Geneva Post Commander Dale Mosher (right) pose with police officers after they delivered fish fry dinners to the Police Department. IN PHOTO BELOW: They pose with Geneva firefighters.

    The Geneva American Legion in partnership with The American Legion Department of New York handed out fish fry dinners to City of Geneva police officers and firefighters on April 17 “in appreciation of their service to our community in keeping it safe,” declared a Facebook post by Geneva Post 396.

    Past Department Commander Rena Nessler, Geneva Post Commander Dale Mosher and Past Ontario County Commander Jim Nessler made the deliveries.

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