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  • Thursday, July 28, 2022

    First Responders Honored at Department Convention

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    EMT Robert Sparks , 911 Dispatcher Susie Barnaby, Firefighter Norris Whitmore, Deputy Michael Wade.

    by Cynthia A. Nekson

    During its 104th Annual Convention held in Binghamton, The American Legion Department of New York honored outstanding first responders. They included EMT of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, and 911 Dispatcher of the Year.

    Law and Order Chair David R. Riley Sr. (whose election as Department Commander concluded the convention) announced the Law and Order honorees and 2021-2022 Department Commander Frank LaMarsh presented the plaques.

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  • Gabe Mui Is Legionnaire of the Year

    All ten districts submitted their Legionnaires of the Year for consideration, with First District’s Gabe Mui being selected as Department Legionnaire of the Year, Chairman Joseph Goonan announced at the 104th Annual Convention in Binghamton in July.
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  • Friday, July 22, 2022

    Sweepstakes Winners at 104th Convention

    Here are the Sweepstakes donation winners announced at the 104th Department of New York Convention:

    $500 Winners
    William S Park of Rome, NY
    Joseph I Mann of Pittsford, NY
    Milton Munson of Clearwater, Fl.
    Edward Jackson of Clinton, NY

    $1000 Winner
    Giles Wagoner of Selkirk, NY

    $2500 Winner
    Richard E Edgar of Redwood, NY

    Grand Prize $5,000
    James H Klick of Lima, NY


  • Thursday, July 21, 2022

    RFP for Veteran Suicide and Homelessness Prevention

    The American Legion Department of New York has established a grant program to combat veteran suicide and homelessness, and is seeking proposals that would bring tangible aid or research to at-risk veterans. For details, please review the Request for Proposal (RFP).

    Cover Letter and RFP for Veteran Suicide and Homelessness Prevention

  • Summer Issue of ‘Legion New York’ Magazine Now Available

    The 2022 summer issue of Legion New York Magazine — whidh was distributed at the 104th Department Convention in Binghamton July 14-16 — is now available as a digital magazine.

    Summer 2022

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  • Saturday, July 16, 2022

    Rome Air Force Veteran David Riley Elected State Commander

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    Department Commander David R. Riley Sr.

    U.S. Air Force veteran David R. Riley Sr. of Rome is the new state commander of The American Legion. His election as Department of New York commander concluded the 104th Annual Department Convention, held July 14-16 in Binghamton. During his one-year term, Riley will visit counties all around the state to share The American Legion message of veteran advocacy and community involvement.

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