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Saturday, May 21, 2016
A Salute to Our Men and Woman in Uniform and Their Families
An Armed Forces Day message from Commander Jim:
Throughout our country’s history, our armed forces have fought and sacrificed to achieve and maintain our freedom. The fight continues today in our war on terrorism. These men and women, and their families are being asked do more than ever for all of us.
On Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 21, the members of The American Legion render what we call a Blue Star salute – because it not only hails our men and women in uniform, but also their families and the companies in our communities who support them. If you see a Blue Star banner hanging at a home, you’ll know that’s a military family and their loved one may be away protecting us.
So please join us in personally thanking our servicemen, our servicewomen and their families for all of their sacrifices.
— James Yermas, commander, American Legion Department of New York.