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Friday, February 05, 2016
Visitation ‘Makes History’ in Wayne County
“We’re making history today,” beamed Past Unit Auxiliary President Maret Rose at Wolcott Post 881.
“This is the very first time we had a visitation at our post.” (See photo gallery.)
She also got to welcome the state-level leaders as Wayne County Auxiliary president, along with County Legion Commander David Madison – who helped conduct an afternoon tour of Wayne County Fruit Sales, which sells, he said, between 600,000 and 700,000 bushels of apples each year. The evening visitation dinner was at Madison’s home post – Williamson Post 394.
Department Commander James Yermas, Department President Janet Mahoney and Detachment of New York Sons of the American Legion Commander Joseph SantaCroce got to pose for pictures for the Times of Wayne County just prior to lunch at the Wolcott Post.
Past Wolcott Commander Richard Lasher, who was helping out behind the scene, recently returned from California, where he spent ten days overseeing the creation of the City of Irvine float that appeared in the Rose Parade in Pasadena on Jan. 1. He works for Phoenix Decorating Co., which handles preparations for about half of the floats in the parade, he said.
(He loves to talk about it and offers free presentations to groups, especially the Legion Family.)
Jerry Lamb, a Vietnam War Navy vet and commander of Meyers-Ingraham Post 428 in Ontario, was there for the luncheon and again at the dinner. He mentioned how he attended a Mid-Winter Conference public relations session a couple of years ago on “getting the word out.” He has been doing that ever since, contributing a lot of content for the post website and overseeing four Facebook pages (for his post, Wayne County Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America chapter and the Veterans Services Advisory Council of Wayne County).
“Any information I get, I spread it around.”
Williamson Post 394 Commander Bob Dominik, who hosted the visitation dinner, was proud of his post for several reasons:
— at 210 members, it’s at 90 percent of goal and number one in the 7th District for member recruiting and retention.
— it’s “one of the oldest in Wayne County,” founded in September of 1919.
— it boasts a war museum with paraphernalia and other historic items such as World War I newspapers and personal effects of Williamson vets who served in practically all war eras since WWI.