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Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Legion Family Helped Get Rte 15A Dedicated to Vets
LIVINGSTON COUNTY – Portions of State Route 15A here are now known as Veterans Memorial Highway, thanks in part to the local American Legion Family.
Ceremonies took place Nov. 13 dedicating portions of 15A as Springwater Veterans Memorial Highway (Town of Springwater) and Livonia Veterans Memorial Highway (Town of Livonia).
State Sen. Catharine Young (R,C,I-Olean) led the ceremonies, along with Assemblyman Bill Nojay and members of the American Legion Family.
Senator Young explained that the movement to have State Route 15A designated as a “Veterans Memorial Highway” began after the Town of Lima passed a resolution requesting the route, which serves as the main street in the town, be designated to honor local veterans. Upon learning of the request, members of Honeoye Falls Legion Auxiliary Unit 664, with support from Honeoye Falls Legion Post 664, saw an opportunity to expand the effort by incorporating the full length of Route 15A between Wayland and Rochester.
Led by Michelle Kavanaugh, past president of the Honeoye Falls American Legion Auxiliary, and the commander of the Honeoye Falls American Legion, the 15A Veterans Memorial Highway Committee was established, and the group began reaching out to area veterans organizations to gather support for the initiative. The committee also began contacting each of the municipalities that the road passes through to gain support and request formal resolutions. After successfully garnering the necessary request from each town, members of the 15A Veterans Memorial Highway Committee approached members of the Senate and Assembly to sponsor the legislation.