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Monday, September 23, 2013
Mentoring youth is one of the four pillars of The American Legion. We like to sponsor opportunities for youth to excel, develop skills, experience team work, and grow as leaders.
Thousands of youth have hit homeruns thanks to Legion Posts across the state that sponsor American Legion Baseball. For wholesome fun, healthy competition and good sportsmanship, invite a youth that you know to try out for one of the most successful and respected amateur athletic leagues.
Since 1925, American Legion Baseball has contributed to the development of good sportsmanship and citizenship while providing wholesome recreation for our nation’s youth. Many former players are now playing in the major leagues thanks to their participation in Legion baseball. Anyone interested in forming an American Legion baseball team must work with a local Legion Post and the Department of New York Baseball Committee.
An information packet can be obtained from the Department Headquarters. Send an e-mail message to, including your name, address, and phone number, to request information about New York American Legion Baseball. You can access more information about the American Legion Baseball program on the National Headquarters website.
NY Legion baseball on Facebook NY Legion Baseball website
Boys State
Nominate a teen boy to one of the most rewarding experiences of his life. He’ll spend a week preparing for championship competitions in a variety of sports, learning about government at all levels, and running for office. He’ll be trained by Marines and mentored by counselors from business, education and legal fields. It’s a week that could change their lives!
Junior ROTC
The American Legion is a strong supporter of Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) and ROTC across the state. Legion posts present medals available through American Legion Emblem Sales to the top JROTC and ROTC students in their area. The Department honors a JROTC Cadet of the Year with an award and scholarship.
Junior Shooting Sports
Marksmanship and gun safety have always been a top issue with the Legionnaires of New York State. The Junior Shooting Sports program provides a structured outlet for youth ages 14 to 21, up to and including high school seniors. They participate in 10-meter air rifle competition in a well-supervised environment.
Each year, the top shooters in the state are given the opportunity to compete in the National Finals held at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, where scholarships are awarded to the winners. Contact a local American Legion Post for further information, or the Junior Shooting Sports Chairman, Lawrence L. Behling at (315) 695-7133.
Junior Law Cadet
The American Legion’s Junior Law Cadet Program educates youth about law enforcement and instills a newfound respect for law enforcement professions. Participate in your local American Legion Junior Law Cadet program to gain first-hand experiences and insight into the operations of law enforcement agencies.
Oratorical Contest
Challenge our high school youth to improve their speaking skills and to develop a deeper appreciation of the Constitution of the United States. Winners at all levels – local, regional and state receive scholarships. At the state level, the first place winner gets a $6,000 scholarship.
Oratorical Contestant Application
The American Legion offers a number of scholarships and other resources to assist young people in their pursuit of higher education. There are opportunities for everyone, including kin of wartime veterans and participants in Legion programs. Contact your local post or auxiliary to find out about local scholarships.
The Department of New York offers the Richard M. Pedro Memorial Scholarship for high school seniors. Deadline is June 15. Details.
The New York American Legion Media Alliance (NYALMA) offers the Albert M. Becker Memorial Scholarship for a high school senior or graduate planning to pursue a degree in a communications field. Annual deadline is April 15. Details to come.
The American Legion offers the Legacy Scholarship for children whose parents are killed while serving their country. Details.
For info on other national American Legion scholarships, click here.
Your local post may be a sponsor or supporter of the Boy Scout program. Talk to your local post to find out more.
Department Scouting Contact information and nomination forms
for unit, Scouter and Eagle Scout of the Year awards,Youth Programs Alumni
Former participants in American Legion Youth Programs can stay connected, stay informed and stay active by joining the Youth Programs Alumni Association. Membership is free. Members receive regular news about the programs, resources, volunteer opportunities and an e-newsletter. More information.