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Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Update on 70th Annual State Bowling Tournament in April
UPDATE: Slots for May 4-5 are filled as of Feb. 19.
LEROY, Jan. 17, 2019 — The 70th Annual New York State American Legion Bowling Tournament takes place over four weekends in April and May, attracting bowlers from posts, units, squadrons and chapters across the Department of New York.
The LeRoy Legion Lanes (Botts-Floritto Post 576) in LeRoy hosts the team events at noon, 3 and 6 p.m. on four Saturdays, April 6, 13, 27 and May 4.
Mancuso Bowling Center in Batavia hosts the doubles, singles and combo events starting at 10 a.m. on four Sundays, April 7, 14, 28 and May 5.
All bowlers must be:
• part of a four-member team who have the option of competing in the doubles, singles and combo events.
• current members of The American Legion, the Legion Auxiliary, the Sons of the American Legion, or the Legion Riders in the Department of New York (including Canadian American Legion posts bordering New York).
Entrants do not have to be members of the United States Bowling Congress (U.S.B.C.), but have the option of joining.
Team captains are asked to submit entry forms no later than April 1, 2019. (Enter early to have a better chance of getting your preferred date and time to compete.)
Botts-Floritto Post 576 is hosting the 2019 tournament, with Mark Brown serving as tournament director. Other bowling committee members are: Scott Oneill, Carl Hyde Jr. and Jerry Diskin.