Latest News
Wednesday, May 06, 2020
UPDATE: SBA Loan/Grants, Baseball, Nat’l Visits, Nat’l Commander Candidate
Message from Department Adjutant
Legionnaires, SAL members, Legion Riders,
Don’t Overlook SBA Loan/Grants
I hope this message finds you, your family and friends in good health and spirits. During these trying times it sometimes seems there is no end to this pandemic but please remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We will get through this and come out stronger in the end. I am writing to you from our HQ in Troy as I have spent a few days up here attending to Department business. We have secured an SBA loan/grant to assist in our expenses. A big thank-you to Anne Rounds, who continues to maintain our Troy office and is a great asset to the Department. Her assistance to our accountants and Berkshire Bank were pivotal in our securing this loan/grant. I would advise all the Posts in the Department to attempt to avail yourselves of these SBA loan/grants. Please contact your accountant or local bank for guidance and assistance.
No Tournaments, But Trying to Maintain a Baseball Season