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Monday, September 29, 2014
Legion Fights for Vets, Peters Tells Newspaper
SARATOGA SPRINGS — The American Legion’s state commander, Frank J. Peters, who spent four years in the Navy (including combat zone service following the October 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing that killed 241 U.S. servicemen), is fighting to ensure that troops in harm’s way have the equipment and training they need, and get the benefits they deserve upon their return home, The Saratogian reported.
(Rural Upstate an Eye-Opener for Auxiliary President Diane Gerber)
He visited Saratoga County Sept. 25, accompanied by Auxiliary President Diane Gerber, and Sons of The American Legion state Commander Chuck Depo. The visit included a tour of the New York State Military Museum in Saratoga Springs, followed by an evening dinner at Mohawk Post 1450 in Halfmoon.
“The GI Bill was one of the greatest pieces of social legislation ever passed for veterans,” Peters told reporter Paul Post. “A lot of people thought America couldn’t afford it. But it made it possible for veterans after World War II to get an education and accomplish great things. That’s why they call them the Greatest Generation. They built this society.”
The newspaper reported that one of Peters’ main goals is educating veterans on their eligibility to join the Legion, and how it helps them by lobbying for continued veterans benefits. The organization has 2.4 million members worldwide; however, Peters said it’s important for younger veterans to join to make sure the Legion always has a strong voice for advocacy.